Hope Katz Gibbs


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Kati Marton to come to DC on Oct. 22 to talk about her new book, "Enemies of the People: My family’s journey to America"

“You are opening a Pandora’s box,” author Kati Marton was warned when she began the research for her new book, Enemies of the People: My Family’s Journey to America.

The Hungarian-born writer paid little attention and dove headfirst into the files of the Hungarian Secret Police (known as the AVO). There, she found the fascinating and sometimes excruciating details of the controversial careers of her parents — Endre and Illona Marton — two journalists who during the 1950s wrote hundreds of articles for the U.S.-based Associated Press and United Press about what was going on behind the Iron Curtain.


Kati Marton is coming to DC on Oct. 22, from 6:30-8pm, for a special evening to talk about her new book and network with local women. Hosted by Robin Strongin, publisher of the popular blog Disruptive Women in Health Care (www.disruptivewomen.net), Kati will be taking questions and sharing her insights. Tickets are only $28, and include a copy of the book, cocktails and food. Buy your tickets today at www.meetkatimarton.eventbrite.com.

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Yes We Did!

By Hope Katz Gibbs
The Democratic Women of Clifton
Nov. 2008

As a journalist for 25 years who recently launched a PR firm, Inkandescent Public Relations, I’ve long been most comfortable working behind the scenes, making others look good. So the idea of knocking on doors, handing out campaign literature at the polls, or even making cold calls to change the minds of angry Republicans to vote for my candidate of choice simply wasn’t something I ever wanted to do.

But after eight years of living in the Fear Factor and suffering from Bushonomics, I simply had to do something.

Mind you, I was a Hillary supporter. I thought she had the experience needed for the job of President, and it sure would have been great finally to have a strong, brilliant woman making decisions for our future.

My husband, illustrator Michael Gibbs, and most of the smart men I know and admire, liked Obama from the start of the campaign. They saw him as the ideal leader of our time, a man who embodies the leadership qualities of Lincoln, JFK, – and Jesus.

So once Obama defeated my favorite lady, I was willing to jump on the Barack brigade. But I wanted to know more. Was he really up for the job? Would Middle America, not to mention my Jewish mother, actually be able to put aside their prejudices and vote for a black man for President?

I needed to find out for myself what power Obama held over people, so Michael and I took our two kids to a rally in Fredericksburg. After standing for six hours in the rain, Obama finally took the stage — and it was an awesome thing.

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What is a democrat?

By Hope Katz Gibbs
The Democratic Women of Clifton
Nov. 2006

I believe Democrats are thoughtful, inclusive, generous, caring and sensitive to the needs of others. We want the air and water to be clean, the public schools to be good for all kids, and for there to be enough park land for children and dogs and parents and the elderly to roam.

We want women to have a say in what happens to their bodies. We want people to live peacefully beside each other, and recognize the things we all have in common — rather than the things that make us different. We think those differences are darn beautiful, anyway.

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"I get by with a little help from my friends," says Hope, who gives special thanks to:

• MICHAEL GIBBS, website illustration and design: www.michaelgibbs.com
• MAX KUKOY, website development: www.maxwebworks.com
• STEVE BARRETT, portrait of Hope on Bio page: www.stevebarrettphotography.com

Contact HOPE KATZ GIBBS by phone [703-346-6975] or email.
